Tuesday, January 22, 2013

D4 Loves before Winter break !!!!

Just me and my chickadees!!!

D4!!!!.............. WE SOAR!!!!!!!

Hold up your 4's and say "cheeeeeeeeeese" 

D4 exchanges gifts to their Secret Santa!!
It was toooo cute !!
It was so great to see students caring about one another and buying or creating a gift for their Secret Santa!
Thanks D4 parents, you ROCK !!!

Pajamas, Pajamas, Pajamas!!!

D4 had our first pajama day !! 

It was a great success!!
 Boys, girls, and EVEN Ms. Davis came to school with "jammies" on.
It was a great and cozy day. What a wonderful way to reward students who Show Respect, Take Responsibility, Act Safely, and come to school Ready to Learn !!

D4........................................ WE SOAR !!!!


Even Paul had to join in on the fun !

 D4 - just plain goofy- gotta love us though !

 We're in it together !!!

 Tadahhhhhh..... its me showing off my favorite Hello Kitty pajamas !!!


Billy Walker Jr. has made D4 extremely proud of him. He was our class spelling bee winner and went on to become the winner for East Elementary School

Billy went on to compete at the district level against other students across Union County and he even had to spell against eighth graders
Although, he did not win the Spelling Bee, he will always be a winner in D4's heart !!

We knew you could do it you're a spelling machine !!!!

Yep.... You Da MAN... the Spelling Bee CHAMPION of East Elementary !!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Through discussion about "giving back and being grateful for what you have. I presented an idea to D4 and asked them if they want to "give back"  to a unfortunate little boy and girl,  that may even live in another country. They all exclaimed " Yesssssss !!!!!!" I also added that the Operation Christmas Child Organization was our way to send our two boxes to a country across the world to children who are less fortunate and are unable to have anything for Christmas. 
This sparked a huge discussion! " Ms. Davis can we fill a box too? " " I wanna do it too, Ms. Davis! "
"Ok. guys lets see who can raise at least  $ 7.00 to pay for shipping and I will put in the rest to fill the boxes with toys and goodies !"  ( Participation was totally optional, not mandatory, though many of them chose to give)

And the race begin ....... 

Day by Day for a week or two, girls and boys came in with change, dollar bills, pennies, anything that they wanted to donate! Some even went to the store and purchased some items that they thought the children would like .

We hope you enjoy our gifts!

Yep, even the boys were excited to fill the boxes for a boy somewhere around the globe. 
So ignore the tough looks LOL.

Finally, at the final count the girls raised about $15.00 and the boys raised about $5.00. We practically overflowed each box.
Woooooooooowwwwwww, way to go D4 ! we will make this holiday great for a boy and a girl somewhere around the globe !

                       (Below) Here we go D4, there are our two boxes ready to be shipped away!!



                   Even though we don't have much, it's never too hard to give a little of what you have !!! 
                                                                           - Ms. Davis