Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Remember the times?

Hard work deserves a good PARTY!


 "Bye, Ms. Davis, we promise to read !"

Buses starting.....vroom vroom

Bye!!!! Love you !!

Awww...... tear

When we come back...... NEXT STOP

4th GRADE!

Fun at Lowe's Motorspeedway

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hmmmm... what should I do over SPRING BREAK ?

 READ !     READ!    READ!  
How many books can you read? 10 ? 20? 30? More....?


3. VISIT  our blog and write about what you have been reading and  visit www.firstinmath.com or scholastic news

4. Go to the Monroe Public Library and get new awesome books

5. Get OUT and be ACTIVE  remember the Physical Activity Pyramid

Thursday, April 7, 2011

AG Day was a Blast!!!!

Starting our Adventure...

Petting animals...

Did you know that camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water a day? 

Mr. Crowder with the lasso... 

Farmers use machinery like this tractor ! Wow look at me compared to the wheel !!

Way to lasso Javon!!!

Our adventure at AG Day was awesome !!!!
Can't you tell ? 
We're alllllllllll smiles !

Friday, April 1, 2011